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Welcome to MajorCommand's New Players Guide. This guide is intended to get you started playing MajCom, even if you've never played anything quite like this before.

Am I a New Player?

Well, if you're reading this, you're new to MajCom, so that's a start. However, it's entirely possible that you already have some of the skills that will turn you into a veteran player in no time flat. If you’ve ever played turn-based strategy games (like Civilization or Diplomacy), real-time strategy games (like Warcraft or Age of Empires), or even old-school board games (like Risk, Settlers of Cataan or Axis and Allies), then you've got a leg up, though you might want to keep reading. If you haven’t, well, don’t worry, that’s what this guide is here for.

What’s the Point of the Game?

The point of the game is to conquer the world, loosely speaking. MajorCommand has a variety of maps available for play, from various geographical maps down to maps representing a single battlefield. Yet regardless of the scale, the idea is the same: crush your opponents, control the map, and prevail!

Basic Concepts


Turns are played sequentially, and once every player has had a turn, a new round begins. Play is always in the same sequential order.


The basic (and really, only) player-controlled units are Troops, which you use to assault your opponents and which defend themselves against your opponents' assaults. You start off with three troops in every region, and every turn, you get more troops to deploy, depending on various factors.

Troop containers look like this: Armycontainer.jpg. Or this: Armycontainer2.jpg. Or this: Armycontainer3.jpg. Troop containers have different shapes on each map, but the color is determined by you, and the number is how many troops are in that given region. Now, I'm sure you're asking yourself "But what the hell is a region?"


A region, put simply, is part of a map. For instance, the USA map is comprised of 48 regions, one for each of the 48 states of the continental United States. At the beginning of the game, regions are handed out randomly, with each player getting an equal amount, and any left over starting neutral. The more regions you control, the better, as holding many regions can net you extra troops to deploy at the beginning of your turn.



Certain groups of regions (like South America from the Classic Evolved map, left) will give you a bonus when you hold them all at the same time. Those region groups are called Commands, and it's usually a good idea to try and grab one to give you a leg-up on your opponents. Command information can be found on the main map and in the Brief.

I Want to Start Playing!

Well, have you taken a quick look at How to Play and Game Interface yet? I know, it's not the most riveting reading. To be honest, you might be better off jumping into a game and then referring back to those pages, it'll make more sense that way.

So your best bet to start playing right away is this: click the Games tab at the top left of the page, and then the large Find a Game link on the Games page. The Game Finder allows you to quickly search for games with available slots. I would recommend trying to find a game on a simple map (Classic Evolved and USA are perfect) with simple settings (Singles, Flat Rate or Escalite Reserves, 1 or 3 Reinforcements).

Try to find a game that's already mostly full, which will increase your chances of playing immediately. Obviously if you see a game with one slot left, jump on it!

How To Join A Game [VIDEO]

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Before you get too far into it...

You should probably know what to expect from the MajCom experience. There are several types of users and experiences to be had here. Most users are some sort of combination.

  • The ultra casual: You only play one game at a time and make a single most days and at the same time each day, maybe with your morning coffee or at lunch. This takes about 3-5 minutes a day or every other day.
  • The full clip: You have 4 games going on at the same time, which means about 3-4 turns per day or so. You still can take your turns at the same time every day if you prefer.
  • The real-timer: You like your games fast and immediate. You can block out 30-60 minutes of time to play and finish a real time game with friends or strangers (friends-to-be).
  • The addict: You are addicted to strategic world domination and are playing over 10 games at a time, ensuring a constant flow of turns to take through the day.

What else can you do here?

Besides world domination? Well you could also,

  • achieve some sweet rankage (32 in all)
  • earn a medal, or two, or a hundred
  • join a competitive clan
  • take that clan to the clan league championship
  • join a social clan
  • make some awesome friends
  • reconnect with old friends over a game, or two (hundred).
  • start a clan
  • join a tournament
  • start a tournament
  • start a league of tournaments
  • create a map
  • get your forum posting on
  • or just lurk around
  • chat with other MajCom'ers
  • be immortalized on the scoreboard
  • and tons more!

We know you'll have a fun time here, and if you need any help with anything, there is a tab for that. Top right. Now go get your strategy on! <html> <script type="text/javascript"> var clicky_goal = { id: "432" }; </script> </html>