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== Instructions ==
|title=How To Play Risk Online | Risk Tips and Tricks
|description=Play Risk Tips and Tricks online. Newbie player First Steps, Join a Real Time Risk Game. Take a Basic Turn, New Maps and Tips, Move Strategy.
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= How To Play Risk =
'''Play Risk Online Videos'''. Newbie players getting started, the first step, How to join a Real Time Risk game. Take a Basic Turn, War maps, Tips and tricks, Move strategy.
== Take a Basic Turn ==
So you've gotten yourself into a Risk game. We're going to show you how to take a basic turn. If you've already played similar games – conquest-type play – you're already halfway there. It's really pretty simple.
This is the game that I'm in. It's in round 1 as I could see up here. I am “Badorties,” this is my color, it's black. If I mouse over myself, it will highlight all the regions I have, same with the other people as well. You can change your color as well just by clicking here and changing your color to whatever you like. I'm always black. That's just a color I like.
So, there are three stages to each turn. There's deployment, assaulting and reinforcement. When you click the “Begin Turn” button, then you're in the deployment stage. It says, “You have 3 troops to deploy.” I'm going to choose which region I want to deploy at. I think I'm strong in South America here so that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to deploy – I'm going to click on “Parana.” It's red so that means that my mouse is over it and when I click it once, it brings up how many I want to deploy. I can use the slider, I can use these numbers. Basically I'm just going to deploy all of them there and click “Deploy.”
I can deploy one there, one somewhere else. Basically you just got to use them up. When you're done deploying all your troops, you'll be in the assault phase. It's why it says, “End Assault. Click the regions you want to assault from/to.” This help screen will provide some more helpful information. I usually keep it off because I already know what to do.
Right here, now I'm in the assault phase, I'm going to click the region I want to assault from and then the region I want to assault to. There's actually only one I can assault to. The other ones are owned by myself. I can't assault myself. I'm going to assault Bolivia here. I'm going to click it, brings up the assault screen. One is like one dice throw if you click “Assault.” When you “Blitz,” it means you just continually throw the dice until either one lose. I'm going to do it once.
The fire means you've won. Basically, you match it up with the highest roll, five to four. I win four to three. He's down to one. I still have six. I'm going to go again and I won again. Six beats his one. Now I could choose how many people I want to move in there. You can move this screen around by dragging it. I already have a border here so I'm actually going to move them all in. I'm just going to take another chance. I'm going to go five to four with Peru and see what happens. That's good. I'm going to do it one more time, and I'm all in again. I'm going to just click the “All” button and that just moves the all – that's if you're doing quick turns.
That's it for the assault phase and I'm going to end my assault there. Click “End Assault.” Now I'm in the reinforcement page. If you check the “Brief” tab, it will tell you what type of reinforcement there is. There's one and its path. What I'm going to do here is I'm going to click Klondike and I can only bring it to Pacifica. So, I'm going to click Pacifica and then I'm going to only put one in there. It moves it in and that is the end of my turn. It is now Gamakichi's turn. This person has 24 hours. I click “Jump to next,” we'll go to my next turn.
That's pretty much the basics of how to take a turn here. There's lot more to do with this interface and if you click this link here, I'll run down what all these different things are so, that's probably your next step. Good luck.
=== Join a Real Time Game ===
What's up, people? So, you want to join a real-time game? What you want to do first is go to the “Games” tab right here. This will show the games you're in and et cetera. You want to click the “Join a game” button under the “Real Time” section. Just click that.
Now you are at the Real Time Join page. This is all the other people who are actually on the same page in the same chat room. You could talk to them to get a play started or whatnot, but these are the open plays available. There are two. These twos are actually team games. They're great for new players, sort of basic settings to get you started.
All you want to do is join one of them. This is head-to-head so there're two players. It should go pretty quick. I'm going to join that there. Then it clicks the “View.” It says, “Don't leave the site. We'll notify you when it starts.” You can browse around different parts of the site but this match should start pretty quickly since it only needs one other person.
Once you've joined a game, you can actually click the “View” button and it will take you right into it. As I see here, Orbotron is already starting. He has one minute left in his turn. This playoff has already started and when it's your turn, it should let you know but sometimes it's good just to get into the game right off.
That's basically how you get into a real-time game. You should really try and play only one at a time. It can get pretty hectic otherwise.
=== Newbie First Steps ===
What's up, people? Badorties here. Welcome to Major Command. If you're looking at this screen right now, you're probably a new player. You should probably read at least this first page – lots of good information there. But you'll also probably want to get into a game pretty quickly so I'm going to show you how to do that.
The first thing you want to do is you want to go up to your “Games” tab right here and click on this. This page is your hub of activity of games here. You're probably going to be there a lot. You can start joining Risk as you can see which games you're in, et cetera. There are really two types of games here. There are lots of variants with all the rules and such but there're two main types – casual and real time. Most new players are looking to join real-time games because that's what they're used to and that's what they've seen before, but that's really only because they don't know how awesome casual games could be. I am totally a casual player, I rarely play real time. If you want to learn how to get into a real time Risk, then click this link right here. Right now I'm just going to walk you through joining a bunch of casual games.
Right now you just want to click the green “Join” button and here we are. We're presented with a list of all the open games available here at Major Command. There are lots of different maps, different types of rules. If you click on any of these, you'll see a breakdown of what their rules are and who's in them, et cetera. There're a few games here that say are for experienced players. You probably don't want to get into those just yet. In fact, you actually can't until you play a little bit more just because the rules are a little harder.
But what you want to pay attention to is this first five or six games. They say “New Player Welcome,” their basic settings, these games will fill fast. You have your best shot at taking a point from the people with these games. What you want to do to join a game is just find one you want to join and just click the green “Join” button. “Join” will change to “View” which means you're in the play. You can also click it and see who else is in there. I'm in there with some other guy.
But the great thing about casual games is that you can be in more than one fight at the same time. Generally, I'm in between 10 and 15 games at the same time and it doesn't really take up a lot of time, and I can choose when I want to take my turns. To maximize the number of turns you can take, you should probably join a few different fight. I'm just going to join a few more battles here like this one and this one on a British Isles map, and this one on our USA map which is pretty sweet.
Once you're in four games, it will say, “Based on your class, you have reached the maximum number of fights you can join.” New players and grunts can only do four at the time which should be fine to get you started. After that, you want to click your “Games” page, and then if you click on “Awaiting,” you'll see all the games that you are in here. You can drop out or continue. That's really all you have to do. We will email you when it's your turn. You can log in and take your turn, you can do it whenever you like – with breakfast, during class, whatever you want to do and that's how it works. Each player gets 24 hours, the fights will likely take days, or weeks, sometimes months, which may sound like it's ridiculously long but it's low-maintenance, it's great casual strategy gaming. Once you get into it, you'll love it and I encourage you to give it a shot.
So that's how you get into a real fight. We'll put out a few more links here in terms of actual playing the interface, what else you can do here and also again, about joining real time Risk. Good luck out there and have fun.
=== Game Interface ===
What's up, people? Badorties here. I'm going to run down the features of the interface. There's a lot to cover so I'll try and get to it pretty briskly.
First, this is called the action button. You begin your turn, you end your turn, you get to the different phases by clicking that.
The person's turn it is will be underlined. This is a list of players in the order that they will play. Badorties goes and then RobinAlbi has been eliminated, that's why there's a slash through the name. After me will go Grons and then Tutor965, and then Patrick111341, et cetera. If I mouse over a player's name, it will highlight the regions they own which is good to get a quick sense of where they are on the map.
These round buttons, you might not use too much, but if you wanted to go back and see what the game state looked in previous rounds, you would do that.
Clicking the “Names” button here will turn the names of all the regions on or off. You can keep them off if you don't need them but sometimes you want to refer to a region and you're not sure what it is, so you click that names button there.
The “Size” will obviously change the size of your map. Some people like it smaller, some people like it bigger. There are three sizes. This is the biggest size right here.
“Help” button will display some help text if you need it.
The “Colors” is kind of cool. You can change your color. Let's say I want to be orange. You can also change everyone else's color like I'm going to change this person to pastel or something like that. Just keep in mind that everyone has their own set of colors. So, I can't refer to Grons as purple because he might not be purple himself or Tutor965 might have him as red or something like that. This is just kind of helpful. I always set myself to black. It's just so I know who I am. That's just my preference.
Another trick is that sometimes I'll set neutrals to clear or if there's a guy that I want to specifically target and I want to make sure that I get all of him, I'll set him to red. So, I'll make sure that I can see all of him really quickly.
That's the top screen. This is the timer. It says 18 hours left. This is obviously a casual game.
Back down here are several tabs which are also going to be used pretty frequently.
“Intel,” you kind of always want to be checking this to see who's in the lead in terms of troops, how many reserves, et cetera.
These are people's ranks which is some of the good to watch out for. RobinAlbi is a cadet, so eliminated first. High-ranking people, you want to watch out for as well as Patrick111341 who is on Kitchen Patrol. You don't want to be eliminated by him either. You want to keep track of how many troops are due. I see MTR has seven on his next turn. That's pretty big.
The “Chatter” is where people can chat. Just say, “Hello.” “Good luck.” Or anything like that. It will show it by rounds so you know how recent this was.
“Diplomacy” is a feature which you should probably read a little bit more in-depth on, but you can basically make an agreement between two borders not to attack each other. Let's say, with RobinAlbi – let's see where I'm at up here. I'm blue so I'm in The Stans and maybe I'll make an agreement with China who is Tutor965.
What I'm going to do is I'm going go to Tutor965. I'm going to click The Stans and China, and I will say make an agreement for three rounds. That doesn't mean we can't attack each other but if we do, that's not good form. It's going to lower our diplomacy rating, et cetera. Generally, you try and keep diplomacy requests. He has to agree to this in order to go into effect. There's a lot more nuance things about diplomacy but that's the short of it right there.
The “Record” will show all of the actions taken by all of the players, so that's something to check back every now and then.
The “Brief” will show more information about the map, the bonuses and all the [world's] [ph] variants going on right here. You definitely want to keep that in mind just to make sure you know what the reinforcement allowance is, et cetera.
The “Personnel” tab is where you can mark players as honorable or dishonorable. If someone screws me over or he's rude in the chat, I might mark them dishonorable or some of these players I played a lot with, so they're pretty honorable. I like them and I'll mark them as such.
Those are the basic features and lot to take in. So, good luck out there.
=== In-Game Features ===
=== In-Game Features ===
What's up, guys? Badorties here and I'm just going to quickly run down the in-game features that you'll see at Major Command while you're playing a game. To start it off, I'm playing a game with Codanostra on the Classic Evolved map which is sort of our basic map. The “Begin Turn” button will obviously begin your turn, it also ends turn and ends deployment rounds as well. This task bar basically says what's going on. It's pretty simple. These round buttons will go forward and backward in the rounds so you can see what the round was in the previous date to see how the fight has flowed, et cetera.
The “Names” button is pretty obvious. It turns the names on and off if you want to reference something in the chat, etc.
The “Size” button. We have three sizes here. We have the small. Unless you're on a laptop or something, then we have a medium and then we have a large which is the full sized map.
The “HUD” is just some extra in detailed information about what you should be doing. It's great for noobs if you're learning how to play, etc. It will tell you just some instructions but I usually turn it off.
The “Colors” is a really cool thing. I can change my color to whatever I like. We have all different tons of colors. Let's say, “I'll be black.” But I can also change my opponent's colors as well. I'm playing Codanostra so let's go to make him pink. There he is, he's like pink, but this is only visible on my screen. If he's only pink on my screen, on his screen, he is whatever color he has chosen himself to be. In the game chat, I can't call him “pink” because that's not what he sees or what other people see.
Up here is the game clock, it's a 24-hour clock because it's a 24-hour turn. It's counting down.
Then the tabs are something that you really want to check regularly if you hope to win the fights.
The “Intel” tab is important. It shows all the information about how many troops people have, how many regions, to get a good overview of how the game is going. The red numbers are the highest in each category so right now, Codanostra is a little bit more than me.
The “Chatter” is just some chat. Like, “What's up, dude?” et cetera. If I wanted to send something to myself, I can do that as well like, “Keep an eye on Africa.” That's just to myself. This is really not that useful in one versus one game but in team games, you can send information to your teammate which is really important.
“Diplomacy” is a great feature. So let's say I want to send some diplomatic communication to Codanostra, like, “Let's work together to take Africa.” So it's' I'm teaming up with him but it's not exactly a secret because I will send this information to him and in the chat it says that I've sent a diplomatic message to Codanostra, but it doesn't say what it actually is. If you see people, it may look like they're conspiring but who knows what they're actually doing? I can actually conspire with him if I want to create a sort of truce over certain borders like Amazonas and Bolivia. I can do that and I'll set it for 10 rounds which is really long. That request is sent to him. He can confirm or deny it. If he confirms it, then we have a truce over these borders. It doesn't mean that we can't attack each other, it's just that it affects our diplomacy rating if we do.
The “Record” tab will show what's been going on, what happened, what each player did, et cetera. If you want to see what happened during a round, you should certainly check that.
And then finally, the “Brief” tab just shows you the basic battle information right here, what type of game it is and just some extra visual information on the legend or et cetera.
That was really quick. I hope you got some of it and I hope you guys have fun!
=== Honor System ===
What's going on, people? Badorties here. I want to go over the honor rating system that we have here at Major Command. It's not often talked about, but very useful feature. I wanted to see if I can explain what it is and increase usage of it.
If you see on your profile page there, in this sort of stats section, there will be “Honor” here. Mine says “100(8).” This is sort of a reflection of how you play – if you piss other players off if other players enjoy playing with you. The stat is basically, the 100 here that is the percentage and this is the total number of votes.
If we go to a game like this is the battle that I'm in, it's 24 players. Every fight that you're in, there will be this “Personnel” tab right here. If you click on that, then it shows you all the players who are in the game, their honor rating and your ratings of them. If you have fun playing with someone, rate them as honorable. Orbotron, I know, I always have fun playing with him. I will rate him as honorable. If they're neither honorable or dishonorable, you can certainly rate them as neutral. If they piss you off or they do dickish moves or whatever, your decision is to rate them dishonorable, then do that as well.
For every fight, there will be these players but these ratings are persistent. So if I mark Mark here as dishonorable and then I go to another game that I'm in right here with Mark, and if we load that one up and go to the “Personnel” tab, then he is dishonorable here. As long as the game is active, I can rate someone. Once the fight is over and completely done, then the ratings stick. I like playing with Mark so I'm going to mark him as that. I like playing with a lot of these players so I'm just going to mark them honorable. This doesn't mean that they've been honorable in this particular game, it's just that I enjoy playing with them so I'm going to do that.
Once people started getting more and more ratings and you get a better sense of how these people play, and when you get into a game, it's often good to check this “Personnel” tab. I like Linho here has a rating of 33. So, 30 people have rated him either honorable or dishonorable. It looks like 1/3 of those have rated him honorably. I'm not saying this guy is a douche or whatever, but I may not make diplomacy agreements with him, or trust to verify or whatever. It's just the way to keep track of other players, and players that you've rated, and players that other people have rated too.
You need five votes in order to have something going. So, I encourage you to go into all of your games and rate all the players that you have some inkling about and let's see what happens when we get this system really, really moving. If it doesn't work, we can change it but we just really need to get some usage of it first and foremost.
All right, thanks.
== New Maps and Tips ==
=== New Map - Twelve Domains ===
=== How to Take a Turn ===
Hi, everybody. It's the Shepherd here and I want to introduce you to our new map. This is called, “The Twelve Domains.” The Twelve Domains is unique and that it is a conquest map. A conquest map is one on which each player starts with limited started regions. In the case of this map, there are 12 little castles around the map and those are your only starting points. We're playing a four-player game so we each started with three castles. I am indicated by a little white castle markers.
With a conquest map, since you start with limited spaces, everybody is on the same footing to expand out. As with any map, you want to start by reading the Brief tab but I'll walk you through a couple of the basic special bonuses that are on this map. For starters, each castle will start each round with an extra troop and for each other region that you hold within that domain or that color, you'll get another extra troop. If you look up here, my little castle that's in the snow in Tundra, we'll get an extra troop automatically deployed just for itself and then we should get four more. I will begin my turn here.
So, my castle jumped up from one to six troops. I got five extras. A couple of extra special moves as well. The castles obviously, to start the game, you'll want to expand out and take over your domains, so you get your bonuses. The castles can also bombard non-adjacent regions within their own domain. In the case of this castle here, I can place my armies to start. I will start by bombarding this guy over here now. I'm not taking it over, I'm just bombarding it. I have knocked that down to a one, which means I can then move in and take it over from my other regions. Obviously, one move in, take over as normal and expand out.
The other special move that's on this map is the dragons around the outside. You'll see there are six dragons. Now, each dragon borders two domains. In the case the dragon up in the mountains, it borders the uplands here – the green area and the white area. I can attack the dragon if I wanted to from either of these two bordering regions, but you can also take over the dragons by holding the tower in the center of the map. If you hold Draig tower, you will take control of any dragon that is nearest one of your castles. If I were to hold the tower, I would take control of this dragon since I hold these two castles, and I would also take control of this dragon since I hold this castle.
This dragon up here, since I used to have two castles, would start with a value of 50 troops and this guy down here would start with a value of 25 troops. So, you want to expand out as fast as you can. You do not want to let your enemies take over the dragon because I'll tell you, that's some serious [Christ] [ph] when they come down on you with 50 armies. At the end of your round, the dragons always return to their nest. So they will revert back to neutral at the end of your control over them.
That's the basics of The Twelve Domains. I will end it there and let you enjoy it.
Hi, everybody. The Shepherd here again and making this video demonstrate the use of the dragons in The Twelve Domains map. If you've played the map, you're probably aware there are six dragons around the outside of the map and starting on the top left corner, there are six. The dragon starts the game with a neutral value of 25 troops and there are two ways to take over the dragons or conquer them. One is to attack them like any typical region. If I wanted to load up the region Fernost up here, I could crash into this dragon, take it over, advance my troops into it just like any regular region and then move on through to take over my opponent's domain below. It's going to be pretty costly.
The other way to take control of the dragons is to control the tower in the center of the map. As you can see, I currently control Draig tower. I also control four castles. So when I begin my turn, I am going to take control of the dragons that are nearest my castles. In the case of this dragon up here, since I hold this castle, it will turn to a white castle and with the value of 25 troops. This dragon down the bottom left will also revert over to me with the value of 25 troops. This guy up here in the White Mountains, however, since I control both of the neighboring castles, it will spawn with the value of 50 troops. On the start of my turn, see what happens. I have to turn in my reserves here.
As you can see, the white mountains, I can now control this dragon. He's got 50 troops. This guy down here, 25. This guy up here, 25 troops. Now, I can use these dragons just like any other conventional region. I can go from this guy, I can move from Smok into Mostik. Now I'll let Blitz, see what happens and advance. In the case of the White Mountains dragon, you'll see that I control both of the neighboring regions already. So we can't attack obviously but he can be used, or, at least, those troops can be used in my turn to advance somewhere else.
That's it. That's the use of the dragons and The Twelve Domains map. I hope you enjoy it.
=== New Map - NUKES ===
== Other ==
Hey, guys. So I just wanted to go over this latest map that we're releasing here this evening. It's called “Nukes!” It's very innovative, it's a great two-player map, but you can certainly play on it with more players. It was designed and the graphics are all by WidowMakers. The gameplay is by myself and Incandenza. A few other people are involved as well so, it's a bit of a team effort. But it's a really great map and you definitely want to read this “Brief” tab right here because they'll tell you how it works. But I'm just going to go over an overview of how it works.
Basically, there are two countries. We have the United States and the USSR. Here I am, I'm green and you can see that I'm mostly in the United States but there are some of me in the USSR and Shepherd looks like he's mostly, basically the reverse. What I'm going to want to do here is try to get him out of the United States and he's going to try and get me out of Russia. But once that happens, there's only one way to attack across countries and that is to build up your nuclear missile, get it to launch and then launch it. Then when you do, it says right here, you're going to get 50 armies to rain down fire and brimstone from the heavens upon your opponent. But building your arsenal, building the warhead and launching it is not that simple. There are few things involved.
If you read the brief, it says right here in order to launch your nuke, you need the President or the Premier, the target acquisition and the entire missile. So the President of the United States is here in Washington and the Premier for the Russia is here in Moscow. So you're going to need to hold this region as well as target acquisition which is on the other side of the country here and then you're going to need to hold the entire nuke and then get to the launch button in order for that to happen.
So there're lots of neutrals here. I'm just going to change the neutral to neutral. There are lots of neutrals to go through and you're just going to start with a few, with a handful. I'm going to deploy three troops. The first thing I want to do for sure is to get Shepherd out of the United States. That way I can build my forces without him being much of a nuisance.
I'm going to take my troops here and deploy them in New York and I just want to see if I can take out DC here. Another cool thing is there's lots of really cool animation that we've done over all these various things. Just a little something extra for you. So I'm going to go from New York to DC, I'm going to Blitz and I've done it.
=== First win on Majcom ===
Great. I'm starting to take Shepherd out of here but these are non-standard bonuses, and the way you get bonuses is if I hold the President, that's two troops; if I hold Nuclear Fuel Enrichment, that's one troop; Research Center is one troop. Here is a research center, here is one, here is nuclear enrichment. So you'd want to hold those and you'll get one extra troop for each one you hold per round.
Also, the President and Premier are quite important. So you're going to want to keep those fortified. Now once he's out of United States, then I'm just going to start to build up here. This right here, they're bunkers. They're pretty important. You get two there but you don't get them to deploy. They're automatically deployed there. If you hold this in time, they'll just build up and then you can move those people around as well.
Now once you're each on each other's sides, then you're going to want to build up your missile and you want to do that from the silos right here. This silo right here connects to my missile which is right here. I'll start taking these away, and building it up, and get to the top, and then I'll get to that when I'm ready to fire. But I can only fire when I have the President, the Acquisition and the full missile.
Now if I'm starting to get up to that, then Shepherd can do a few things. Like there are these spies right here, KGB over here and the GRU. These spies are able to attack several things. Let's check the brief, spy agencies can bombard scientist, Acquisition, and the President. If it looks like I'm going to rain down nukes on him, what he can do is use his spy to disable my President. He can't take it over but he can bombard it, which reverts it to neutral. Then, I'm no longer able to launch my nukes or he can do the same for the target acquisition as well.
That's just an easy way to do a last ditch defense as well as reduce the effectiveness of having the President and acquisition which are valuable things to have. You're going to want to keep some troops on your spies and you can also bombard the scientists as well to try and reduce the number of troops he gets each turn. There's a lot of strategies involved, there's a lot of things in play that you're going to want to keep your eye on and it's a great way – it's quite easy for one person to get ahead and then you can start bombarding them, then they sort of slow down.
This is why it's a great two-player map. It certainly works well for more players but you just got to figure out who's going to be the dominant here and who's going to be the dominant here. It usually always gets down to two players. So it is a fun and challenging strategic map. I hope you guys enjoy and I hope you get to rain down some serious nukage on people. Thanks.
=== Tips - NUKES ===
So this is our newest map, “Nukes!” I love it, a lot of people love it, but as our newest and by far most complicated map, we've been getting a lot of questions about it. One that has popped up is, “How do I attack the missile?” Well, I'm going to show you. I'm down here in the south, I am the black armies, Cardinals is the cyan armies in the north. As you can see he has already taken his first missile. Now, you can only attack your own missile, red to red, blue to blue, through a silo, which they look like silos, they also look like tires with those little [ben-hur] [ph] spikes coming out of them.
If you want to do it all on one turn, which we're going to try to do here, dice permitting, is essentially you go all the way up the ladder. From your silo, you're the lowest level, the rocket will light up and essentially you just work your way up the ladder. It's not a ladder. That's really it. There's not a lot more complicated to it. I totally understand that some people look at this map and it seems really insane and confusing but it's all fairly rational. Read the brief, you're good to go, ask any staff a question and they'll be happy to answer.
There it is manage to get the whole boat. That is taking your missile. This is the highest you can attack. But this alone will not allow you to fire off your nuclear weapon and we'll cover that in a subsequent video. Thanks for watching and again, if you have any particular questions, you can go ahead and feel free to send me a message, Incandenza – I don't know if I said that at the beginning – and thanks for watching.
Greetings and welcome to another handy little video showing you how to play some of the most interesting concepts in Nukes! This is Incandenza and today I'm going to nuke someone. This is sort of the preferred end game. It doesn't always end up like this, but it's pretty cool when it does.
As you see in the tab, I am actually in the US. You need to have the President, the Target and the entire missile. Obviously, if you're in the Soviet Union, you need the Premier down here, the Soviet Target and the Soviet missile. What happens is when you hit “Begin Turn” – but you'll see on my nuclear launch turret went from one neutral to 125. That number is determined by how many of the research facilities and scientist – or whatever exactly we're calling them – you have, but usually it's almost invariably going to be plenty to bomb your opponent back to the stone age. From there it's just a matter of blitzing them. You can hit every single one of the opposing turrets including their missile, otherwise, they're being preposterous stalemates. It's really this simple.
You probably don't even need to watch the rest of this but maybe I'll make a profane joke at the end just to lighten up the tedium. But it's really fun, especially for those of us that grew up during the end of the Cold War. Call me crazy but I have always found the prospect of nuking my opponent to be kind of fun. That's it. You just wipe them out and that's the ball game. Thanks for watching and we'll probably do at least one more of these for Nukes! and maybe for some in maps coming up in the future. So, there you go and happy nuking.
== Move Strategy ==
=== Middle East - KFD ===
Hey, guys. KFD here doing this Turn Dissection and here is a game on the Middle East Asia map. Let's check the “Brief” before we start. Players are five players and singles Escalite and no reinforcement whatsoever.
Okay, let's check it. It's my turn right now. I'll just “Begin Turn.” Let's see. I could call up my reserves and get six troops. I'm the fourth person to be able to call in reserves if I actually do call reserve for the next turn. But then if I do call reserve now, I only get six. If I call up reserves after Commander77, Wiseviking and [inaudible], actually called their reserves, I would get seven. If Commander77 call up his reserves, that is six troops, seven troops, eight troops and I'll get nine. That will be three troops ahead.
That wouldn't be a very big thing and furthermore, I have a low troop count, so there might be a chance that they want to take me out. So, I better call out my reserves to save myself and I could also take out Afghanistan which [inaudible] holds two regions of 1/3. That will be a good idea. I'll be out and get mine, reserve as troops there.
Call it up and I get my troops. We hit “Deploy.” Don't hit the deploy only in one place. Always think about if you have another presence on the other side of the map so that you wouldn't get taken in that region. This should do it. Then because there're no reinforcements, I'm going to take all of them and keep it there. This should do it, which I don't want to increase [number of troops] [ph]. I'm going to take this place just to increase my region count and lower Wiseviking's region count to 11 – which drops one of this Troop Due. His was six before, now he's five. That might lower his advantage a little bit and that looks like [inaudible].
Hope you learned something from this and we'll see you next time.
===  Middle East - Badorties ===
Okay, so here is a situation that can come up regularly. This game is down to three players now which I hate, which has its own strategy to deal with. But in here, it is my turn and then Tombombadil. I see that Tombombadil has five reserves, so he's going to drop nine plus 13 on his next turn which could destabilize. And in a three-player game, I don't want to be that player who looks like a threat and who looks like he has all the bonuses.
So what I'm going to do here is try and place my troops to try and deflect Tombombadil's possible attack. I don't want to take any bonuses and one thing, Tombombadil is strong in Turkey here. This is like my only real bonus and I don't want Tombombadil to bust in there and break there, which he can and if I put my troops here in Georgia, that would be an immediate threat on his border here on the Black Sea and he would probably take action against that.
What I'm going to do is put my troops in the south – whatever this is – and then I have eight troops there. Now, these eight troops are not a threat to Tombombadil unless he breaks into Georgia and then he's got to contend with that. Hopefully, that's something that he realizes and goes somewhere else. For this turn, what I'm going to do is I'm just going to take one here, leave that there and then I'm going to put this in Oman. One troop in Oman just to make this a little bit harder so he doesn't try and sweep in there. My hope is that Tombombadil takes his troops and does some damage to the third player in this game.
So, that's one tactic, I hope you enjoy.
=== Classis Evolved - Badorties ===
Hey, guys. Badorties here with another Move Dissection. For this move, this is actually the very start of the game, round one and I have not taken a turn yet, but I just want to show you guys some useful tips when you're starting a battle and you're figuring out where you want to get busy and stuff.
I am black here and it's clear to me that I am heavily concentrated in North America and that should be my play. My first move should be taking out Ryanbrown here, or Jbeans, or Nunavut here and usually when I see someone with two territories in a continent, or with one more than another player, then that would be my first target because Jbeans by its side, that he wants to be in North America too. So, he would make that play.
However, one thing I also do is I check the ranks of people. This is one of the noob games for new players. I see a bunch of players here – two of them are strategists and some of them have ranked up. Jbeans is the only who still hasn't ranked up very much. If someone is going to go awol, it's likely going to be Jbeans rather this strategist who have paid and these guys who have ranked up somewhat. I'm going to take the risk and say that Jbeans is the one that is going to go awol here if that happens. So, my next play is to take out one of these guys.
So who do I choose between AldotheApache, Ryanbrown, and Majorah here? Well, neither of them are likely going to take North America. However, I can see that Majorah here is likely going to take Africa on his next turn. Once he has Africa, he's going to want to go somewhere else. I want to make sure that that somewhere else is not North America. My play is to actually take them out in Mexico here. I'll start that up. Deploy my three troops and see what happens. Pretty sweet.
The other reason why I did that is because the Sunbelt here has neutrals, so that allows me to move all of my guys in there with the wind, move all my guys in the Mexico rather than if I attack from here. I wouldn't want to leave a one on Klondike because that's vulnerable, but because I'm using this neutral as a buffer, I can move them all in there and then I have four for the next round. That's the move dissection. I hope it was interesting. Thanks.
=== Classic Massive - Badorties ===
Hey guys, Badorties here with another Move Dissection. This is the game on the Classic Massive map and we're about 13 rounds in and it's clear that we have several sort of superpowers going on with a lot of troops. People have established where they are, the lines are well-established and it's also Flat Rate, which means it's not escalating so the reserves are negligible – which means this game can easily devolve into kind of a stalemate at this point and I hate stalemates.
What I wanted to do in order to avoid a stalemate is team up with another player to try and take over the map. I suggested this to Jaejae123 that we would – not sort of an official truce – that we take over some other players. It's all done through diplomacy. It's above board but we sort of have an unspoken agreement at that. The problem is now, there're lots of truces going on here as you can see in the Diplomacy tab. Lots of outstanding truces. I have Europe, East Asia and I have a lot of borders. So I have some truces with Jaejae123 here in Jinjiang, and Kazakhstan, and also in Indian Bangladesh.
The problem here is that I want to expand into Africa. The reason why there's only one troop here is because they have a truce here that ends in four rounds. This allows Kows to put his front line up on my front line, which is a pain because I don't want to go into his front line with all my forces. What I want to do is to do a diplomacy with Kows across the Levant and Egypt border, and Yemen and Somalia for a certain number of rounds that ends right around when these round ends. That would be Egypt and Levant. So that would be Yemen and Somalia at this border.
Let's see. Their diplomacy between Kows and Jaejae123 ends in about four rounds. I'm going to do mine for three rounds and suggest that there. On my move, what I did have I just dumped all my troops right here in Levant and reinforced all them to Yemen. So I have a huge stacks here which is going to prompt Kows to accept this diplomacy. Otherwise, he may think I'm going to attack. Let's do another one with Kows with Levant to Egypt and three rounds.
I predict what's going to happen here is at the end of these three rounds, Kows is going to want to bring some of his troops back here to shore up these borders. In order to do that, he has to take some of those troops away from his front lines. What will happen is in the next three rounds, I will then remove my troops from here or, at least, some of them so it's not so much of a threat and I can put them over here in Spain, or in Greenland where my new front line will be. However, when his diplomacy with Jaejae123 expires, mine will expire the round before and he'll be stretched incredibly thin, in which case I can then come in and do some serious damage.
That is a plan this game is heavy, heavily based on sort of diplomacy. Thanks.
== Fun Videos ==
=== First win on Major Command Risk ===
=== Girl Talk: Farmers ===
All right, Badorties here. About to make Major Command history. The first official win if I could pull this off. Let's see here – Begin turn, 26 troops, 2 deploys, let's start them here against Shepherd who's going to be our first official loser. All right, this is Blitz straight on through.
This should put me on the top of the scoreboard since no one else has a win and hopefully, this isn't the only time that I make it to the top of the scoreboard. Pretty much had this play won by around two. Not knocking Shepherd, but it's some pretty sweet moves. All right, here we go. Take it down and see what happens.
“Victory. Hail Badorties! You have defeated Shepherd and gained 30 points. The road to victory took you 14 turns in 23 hours and 52 minutes. A great win by a cadet. Perhaps the start of a long and glorious career? Game on young warrior.” Sweet.
Now let's see if it's true. Yes, I'm on the top of the scoreboard. Pretty sweet. History in the making.
=== Girl Talk - Farmers ===
Female 1: [inaudible]?<br />
Female 2: What's up, Michelle?<br />
Female 1: So, I was playing Majcom the other day and there were so many noob farmers everywhere. It's ridiculous. Dubs is asking them [inaudible] on class mass? Please?<br />
Female 2: Didn't you see the update? Those farmers should seriously find another line of work.<br />
Female 1: Say what?<br />
Female 2: Yes. There are these theme games for new players at the top of the results. Also, noobs can't even join Assassin now. They have a much, much better chance of winning. It's so sweet.<br />
Female 1: Awesome!<br />
Female 2: Hell yeah. Dropping trip sixes on their farm asses. Can a sister get a witness?<br />
Up for some real-time dubs?<br />
Female 1: Oh, let's do it.<br />
=== Fixed Force is Here ===
<br />
<br />
<br />
Male 1: Hold on. Not tonight, man.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Male 2: Wait, Fixed Force is here.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
=== Major Command Risk Wants You ===
<br />
Hello, cadets. It's retired Colonel Hans Von Puppet here, Head of Personnel at Major Command. We are growing quickly here and needs some enthusiastic volunteers to join the team. So if you want to help at the best damn strategy gaming site on the web, then step on up and throw your helmet into the ring. Only the best and brightest, and possibly sexiest will be selected. There are lots of position so get to it. Good luck out there. Remember, never get into a land war with Asian women. Hazaa!<br />
<br />
=== Kramer and Newman Playing Risk ===
Newman:  Are you sure you know where the impound yard is?<br />
Kramer:  Oh, stop stalling.  Come on.<br />
Newman:  I can't think, there's all this noise.<br />
Kramer:  Or is it because I've built a stronghold around Greenland?  I've driven you out of Western Europe and I've left you teetering on the brink of complete annihilation.<br />
Newman:  I'm not beaten yet.  I still have armies in the Ukraine.<br />
Kramer:  Ha ha, the Ukraine.  Do you know what the Ukraine is?  It's a sitting duck.  A road apple, Newman.  The Ukraine is weak.  It's feeble.  I think it's time to put the hurt on the Ukraine.<br />
Ukrainian:  I come from Ukraine.  You do not say Ukraine weak.<br />
Kramer:  Yeah, well we're playing a here, pal.<br />
Ukrainian:  Ukraine is game to you?!  Howbout I take your little board and smash it!!<br />

Latest revision as of 02:02, 16 May 2021

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How To Play Risk

Play Risk Online Videos. Newbie players getting started, the first step, How to join a Real Time Risk game. Take a Basic Turn, War maps, Tips and tricks, Move strategy.

Take a Basic Turn


So you've gotten yourself into a Risk game. We're going to show you how to take a basic turn. If you've already played similar games – conquest-type play – you're already halfway there. It's really pretty simple.

This is the game that I'm in. It's in round 1 as I could see up here. I am “Badorties,” this is my color, it's black. If I mouse over myself, it will highlight all the regions I have, same with the other people as well. You can change your color as well just by clicking here and changing your color to whatever you like. I'm always black. That's just a color I like.

So, there are three stages to each turn. There's deployment, assaulting and reinforcement. When you click the “Begin Turn” button, then you're in the deployment stage. It says, “You have 3 troops to deploy.” I'm going to choose which region I want to deploy at. I think I'm strong in South America here so that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to deploy – I'm going to click on “Parana.” It's red so that means that my mouse is over it and when I click it once, it brings up how many I want to deploy. I can use the slider, I can use these numbers. Basically I'm just going to deploy all of them there and click “Deploy.”

I can deploy one there, one somewhere else. Basically you just got to use them up. When you're done deploying all your troops, you'll be in the assault phase. It's why it says, “End Assault. Click the regions you want to assault from/to.” This help screen will provide some more helpful information. I usually keep it off because I already know what to do.

Right here, now I'm in the assault phase, I'm going to click the region I want to assault from and then the region I want to assault to. There's actually only one I can assault to. The other ones are owned by myself. I can't assault myself. I'm going to assault Bolivia here. I'm going to click it, brings up the assault screen. One is like one dice throw if you click “Assault.” When you “Blitz,” it means you just continually throw the dice until either one lose. I'm going to do it once.

The fire means you've won. Basically, you match it up with the highest roll, five to four. I win four to three. He's down to one. I still have six. I'm going to go again and I won again. Six beats his one. Now I could choose how many people I want to move in there. You can move this screen around by dragging it. I already have a border here so I'm actually going to move them all in. I'm just going to take another chance. I'm going to go five to four with Peru and see what happens. That's good. I'm going to do it one more time, and I'm all in again. I'm going to just click the “All” button and that just moves the all – that's if you're doing quick turns.

That's it for the assault phase and I'm going to end my assault there. Click “End Assault.” Now I'm in the reinforcement page. If you check the “Brief” tab, it will tell you what type of reinforcement there is. There's one and its path. What I'm going to do here is I'm going to click Klondike and I can only bring it to Pacifica. So, I'm going to click Pacifica and then I'm going to only put one in there. It moves it in and that is the end of my turn. It is now Gamakichi's turn. This person has 24 hours. I click “Jump to next,” we'll go to my next turn.

That's pretty much the basics of how to take a turn here. There's lot more to do with this interface and if you click this link here, I'll run down what all these different things are so, that's probably your next step. Good luck.

Join a Real Time Game


What's up, people? So, you want to join a real-time game? What you want to do first is go to the “Games” tab right here. This will show the games you're in and et cetera. You want to click the “Join a game” button under the “Real Time” section. Just click that.

Now you are at the Real Time Join page. This is all the other people who are actually on the same page in the same chat room. You could talk to them to get a play started or whatnot, but these are the open plays available. There are two. These twos are actually team games. They're great for new players, sort of basic settings to get you started.

All you want to do is join one of them. This is head-to-head so there're two players. It should go pretty quick. I'm going to join that there. Then it clicks the “View.” It says, “Don't leave the site. We'll notify you when it starts.” You can browse around different parts of the site but this match should start pretty quickly since it only needs one other person.

Once you've joined a game, you can actually click the “View” button and it will take you right into it. As I see here, Orbotron is already starting. He has one minute left in his turn. This playoff has already started and when it's your turn, it should let you know but sometimes it's good just to get into the game right off.

That's basically how you get into a real-time game. You should really try and play only one at a time. It can get pretty hectic otherwise.

Newbie First Steps


What's up, people? Badorties here. Welcome to Major Command. If you're looking at this screen right now, you're probably a new player. You should probably read at least this first page – lots of good information there. But you'll also probably want to get into a game pretty quickly so I'm going to show you how to do that.

The first thing you want to do is you want to go up to your “Games” tab right here and click on this. This page is your hub of activity of games here. You're probably going to be there a lot. You can start joining Risk as you can see which games you're in, et cetera. There are really two types of games here. There are lots of variants with all the rules and such but there're two main types – casual and real time. Most new players are looking to join real-time games because that's what they're used to and that's what they've seen before, but that's really only because they don't know how awesome casual games could be. I am totally a casual player, I rarely play real time. If you want to learn how to get into a real time Risk, then click this link right here. Right now I'm just going to walk you through joining a bunch of casual games.

Right now you just want to click the green “Join” button and here we are. We're presented with a list of all the open games available here at Major Command. There are lots of different maps, different types of rules. If you click on any of these, you'll see a breakdown of what their rules are and who's in them, et cetera. There're a few games here that say are for experienced players. You probably don't want to get into those just yet. In fact, you actually can't until you play a little bit more just because the rules are a little harder.

But what you want to pay attention to is this first five or six games. They say “New Player Welcome,” their basic settings, these games will fill fast. You have your best shot at taking a point from the people with these games. What you want to do to join a game is just find one you want to join and just click the green “Join” button. “Join” will change to “View” which means you're in the play. You can also click it and see who else is in there. I'm in there with some other guy.

But the great thing about casual games is that you can be in more than one fight at the same time. Generally, I'm in between 10 and 15 games at the same time and it doesn't really take up a lot of time, and I can choose when I want to take my turns. To maximize the number of turns you can take, you should probably join a few different fight. I'm just going to join a few more battles here like this one and this one on a British Isles map, and this one on our USA map which is pretty sweet.

Once you're in four games, it will say, “Based on your class, you have reached the maximum number of fights you can join.” New players and grunts can only do four at the time which should be fine to get you started. After that, you want to click your “Games” page, and then if you click on “Awaiting,” you'll see all the games that you are in here. You can drop out or continue. That's really all you have to do. We will email you when it's your turn. You can log in and take your turn, you can do it whenever you like – with breakfast, during class, whatever you want to do and that's how it works. Each player gets 24 hours, the fights will likely take days, or weeks, sometimes months, which may sound like it's ridiculously long but it's low-maintenance, it's great casual strategy gaming. Once you get into it, you'll love it and I encourage you to give it a shot.

So that's how you get into a real fight. We'll put out a few more links here in terms of actual playing the interface, what else you can do here and also again, about joining real time Risk. Good luck out there and have fun.

Game Interface


What's up, people? Badorties here. I'm going to run down the features of the interface. There's a lot to cover so I'll try and get to it pretty briskly.

First, this is called the action button. You begin your turn, you end your turn, you get to the different phases by clicking that.

The person's turn it is will be underlined. This is a list of players in the order that they will play. Badorties goes and then RobinAlbi has been eliminated, that's why there's a slash through the name. After me will go Grons and then Tutor965, and then Patrick111341, et cetera. If I mouse over a player's name, it will highlight the regions they own which is good to get a quick sense of where they are on the map.

These round buttons, you might not use too much, but if you wanted to go back and see what the game state looked in previous rounds, you would do that.

Clicking the “Names” button here will turn the names of all the regions on or off. You can keep them off if you don't need them but sometimes you want to refer to a region and you're not sure what it is, so you click that names button there.

The “Size” will obviously change the size of your map. Some people like it smaller, some people like it bigger. There are three sizes. This is the biggest size right here.

“Help” button will display some help text if you need it.

The “Colors” is kind of cool. You can change your color. Let's say I want to be orange. You can also change everyone else's color like I'm going to change this person to pastel or something like that. Just keep in mind that everyone has their own set of colors. So, I can't refer to Grons as purple because he might not be purple himself or Tutor965 might have him as red or something like that. This is just kind of helpful. I always set myself to black. It's just so I know who I am. That's just my preference.

Another trick is that sometimes I'll set neutrals to clear or if there's a guy that I want to specifically target and I want to make sure that I get all of him, I'll set him to red. So, I'll make sure that I can see all of him really quickly.

That's the top screen. This is the timer. It says 18 hours left. This is obviously a casual game.

Back down here are several tabs which are also going to be used pretty frequently.

“Intel,” you kind of always want to be checking this to see who's in the lead in terms of troops, how many reserves, et cetera.

These are people's ranks which is some of the good to watch out for. RobinAlbi is a cadet, so eliminated first. High-ranking people, you want to watch out for as well as Patrick111341 who is on Kitchen Patrol. You don't want to be eliminated by him either. You want to keep track of how many troops are due. I see MTR has seven on his next turn. That's pretty big.

The “Chatter” is where people can chat. Just say, “Hello.” “Good luck.” Or anything like that. It will show it by rounds so you know how recent this was.

“Diplomacy” is a feature which you should probably read a little bit more in-depth on, but you can basically make an agreement between two borders not to attack each other. Let's say, with RobinAlbi – let's see where I'm at up here. I'm blue so I'm in The Stans and maybe I'll make an agreement with China who is Tutor965.

What I'm going to do is I'm going go to Tutor965. I'm going to click The Stans and China, and I will say make an agreement for three rounds. That doesn't mean we can't attack each other but if we do, that's not good form. It's going to lower our diplomacy rating, et cetera. Generally, you try and keep diplomacy requests. He has to agree to this in order to go into effect. There's a lot more nuance things about diplomacy but that's the short of it right there.

The “Record” will show all of the actions taken by all of the players, so that's something to check back every now and then.

The “Brief” will show more information about the map, the bonuses and all the [world's] [ph] variants going on right here. You definitely want to keep that in mind just to make sure you know what the reinforcement allowance is, et cetera.

The “Personnel” tab is where you can mark players as honorable or dishonorable. If someone screws me over or he's rude in the chat, I might mark them dishonorable or some of these players I played a lot with, so they're pretty honorable. I like them and I'll mark them as such.

Those are the basic features and lot to take in. So, good luck out there.

In-Game Features


What's up, guys? Badorties here and I'm just going to quickly run down the in-game features that you'll see at Major Command while you're playing a game. To start it off, I'm playing a game with Codanostra on the Classic Evolved map which is sort of our basic map. The “Begin Turn” button will obviously begin your turn, it also ends turn and ends deployment rounds as well. This task bar basically says what's going on. It's pretty simple. These round buttons will go forward and backward in the rounds so you can see what the round was in the previous date to see how the fight has flowed, et cetera.

The “Names” button is pretty obvious. It turns the names on and off if you want to reference something in the chat, etc.

The “Size” button. We have three sizes here. We have the small. Unless you're on a laptop or something, then we have a medium and then we have a large which is the full sized map.

The “HUD” is just some extra in detailed information about what you should be doing. It's great for noobs if you're learning how to play, etc. It will tell you just some instructions but I usually turn it off.

The “Colors” is a really cool thing. I can change my color to whatever I like. We have all different tons of colors. Let's say, “I'll be black.” But I can also change my opponent's colors as well. I'm playing Codanostra so let's go to make him pink. There he is, he's like pink, but this is only visible on my screen. If he's only pink on my screen, on his screen, he is whatever color he has chosen himself to be. In the game chat, I can't call him “pink” because that's not what he sees or what other people see.

Up here is the game clock, it's a 24-hour clock because it's a 24-hour turn. It's counting down.

Then the tabs are something that you really want to check regularly if you hope to win the fights.

The “Intel” tab is important. It shows all the information about how many troops people have, how many regions, to get a good overview of how the game is going. The red numbers are the highest in each category so right now, Codanostra is a little bit more than me.

The “Chatter” is just some chat. Like, “What's up, dude?” et cetera. If I wanted to send something to myself, I can do that as well like, “Keep an eye on Africa.” That's just to myself. This is really not that useful in one versus one game but in team games, you can send information to your teammate which is really important.

“Diplomacy” is a great feature. So let's say I want to send some diplomatic communication to Codanostra, like, “Let's work together to take Africa.” So it's' I'm teaming up with him but it's not exactly a secret because I will send this information to him and in the chat it says that I've sent a diplomatic message to Codanostra, but it doesn't say what it actually is. If you see people, it may look like they're conspiring but who knows what they're actually doing? I can actually conspire with him if I want to create a sort of truce over certain borders like Amazonas and Bolivia. I can do that and I'll set it for 10 rounds which is really long. That request is sent to him. He can confirm or deny it. If he confirms it, then we have a truce over these borders. It doesn't mean that we can't attack each other, it's just that it affects our diplomacy rating if we do.

The “Record” tab will show what's been going on, what happened, what each player did, et cetera. If you want to see what happened during a round, you should certainly check that.

And then finally, the “Brief” tab just shows you the basic battle information right here, what type of game it is and just some extra visual information on the legend or et cetera.

That was really quick. I hope you got some of it and I hope you guys have fun!

Honor System


What's going on, people? Badorties here. I want to go over the honor rating system that we have here at Major Command. It's not often talked about, but very useful feature. I wanted to see if I can explain what it is and increase usage of it.

If you see on your profile page there, in this sort of stats section, there will be “Honor” here. Mine says “100(8).” This is sort of a reflection of how you play – if you piss other players off if other players enjoy playing with you. The stat is basically, the 100 here that is the percentage and this is the total number of votes.

If we go to a game like this is the battle that I'm in, it's 24 players. Every fight that you're in, there will be this “Personnel” tab right here. If you click on that, then it shows you all the players who are in the game, their honor rating and your ratings of them. If you have fun playing with someone, rate them as honorable. Orbotron, I know, I always have fun playing with him. I will rate him as honorable. If they're neither honorable or dishonorable, you can certainly rate them as neutral. If they piss you off or they do dickish moves or whatever, your decision is to rate them dishonorable, then do that as well.

For every fight, there will be these players but these ratings are persistent. So if I mark Mark here as dishonorable and then I go to another game that I'm in right here with Mark, and if we load that one up and go to the “Personnel” tab, then he is dishonorable here. As long as the game is active, I can rate someone. Once the fight is over and completely done, then the ratings stick. I like playing with Mark so I'm going to mark him as that. I like playing with a lot of these players so I'm just going to mark them honorable. This doesn't mean that they've been honorable in this particular game, it's just that I enjoy playing with them so I'm going to do that.

Once people started getting more and more ratings and you get a better sense of how these people play, and when you get into a game, it's often good to check this “Personnel” tab. I like Linho here has a rating of 33. So, 30 people have rated him either honorable or dishonorable. It looks like 1/3 of those have rated him honorably. I'm not saying this guy is a douche or whatever, but I may not make diplomacy agreements with him, or trust to verify or whatever. It's just the way to keep track of other players, and players that you've rated, and players that other people have rated too.

You need five votes in order to have something going. So, I encourage you to go into all of your games and rate all the players that you have some inkling about and let's see what happens when we get this system really, really moving. If it doesn't work, we can change it but we just really need to get some usage of it first and foremost.

All right, thanks.

New Maps and Tips

New Map - Twelve Domains


Hi, everybody. It's the Shepherd here and I want to introduce you to our new map. This is called, “The Twelve Domains.” The Twelve Domains is unique and that it is a conquest map. A conquest map is one on which each player starts with limited started regions. In the case of this map, there are 12 little castles around the map and those are your only starting points. We're playing a four-player game so we each started with three castles. I am indicated by a little white castle markers.

With a conquest map, since you start with limited spaces, everybody is on the same footing to expand out. As with any map, you want to start by reading the Brief tab but I'll walk you through a couple of the basic special bonuses that are on this map. For starters, each castle will start each round with an extra troop and for each other region that you hold within that domain or that color, you'll get another extra troop. If you look up here, my little castle that's in the snow in Tundra, we'll get an extra troop automatically deployed just for itself and then we should get four more. I will begin my turn here.

So, my castle jumped up from one to six troops. I got five extras. A couple of extra special moves as well. The castles obviously, to start the game, you'll want to expand out and take over your domains, so you get your bonuses. The castles can also bombard non-adjacent regions within their own domain. In the case of this castle here, I can place my armies to start. I will start by bombarding this guy over here now. I'm not taking it over, I'm just bombarding it. I have knocked that down to a one, which means I can then move in and take it over from my other regions. Obviously, one move in, take over as normal and expand out.

The other special move that's on this map is the dragons around the outside. You'll see there are six dragons. Now, each dragon borders two domains. In the case the dragon up in the mountains, it borders the uplands here – the green area and the white area. I can attack the dragon if I wanted to from either of these two bordering regions, but you can also take over the dragons by holding the tower in the center of the map. If you hold Draig tower, you will take control of any dragon that is nearest one of your castles. If I were to hold the tower, I would take control of this dragon since I hold these two castles, and I would also take control of this dragon since I hold this castle.

This dragon up here, since I used to have two castles, would start with a value of 50 troops and this guy down here would start with a value of 25 troops. So, you want to expand out as fast as you can. You do not want to let your enemies take over the dragon because I'll tell you, that's some serious [Christ] [ph] when they come down on you with 50 armies. At the end of your round, the dragons always return to their nest. So they will revert back to neutral at the end of your control over them.

That's the basics of The Twelve Domains. I will end it there and let you enjoy it. Hi, everybody. The Shepherd here again and making this video demonstrate the use of the dragons in The Twelve Domains map. If you've played the map, you're probably aware there are six dragons around the outside of the map and starting on the top left corner, there are six. The dragon starts the game with a neutral value of 25 troops and there are two ways to take over the dragons or conquer them. One is to attack them like any typical region. If I wanted to load up the region Fernost up here, I could crash into this dragon, take it over, advance my troops into it just like any regular region and then move on through to take over my opponent's domain below. It's going to be pretty costly.

The other way to take control of the dragons is to control the tower in the center of the map. As you can see, I currently control Draig tower. I also control four castles. So when I begin my turn, I am going to take control of the dragons that are nearest my castles. In the case of this dragon up here, since I hold this castle, it will turn to a white castle and with the value of 25 troops. This dragon down the bottom left will also revert over to me with the value of 25 troops. This guy up here in the White Mountains, however, since I control both of the neighboring castles, it will spawn with the value of 50 troops. On the start of my turn, see what happens. I have to turn in my reserves here.

As you can see, the white mountains, I can now control this dragon. He's got 50 troops. This guy down here, 25. This guy up here, 25 troops. Now, I can use these dragons just like any other conventional region. I can go from this guy, I can move from Smok into Mostik. Now I'll let Blitz, see what happens and advance. In the case of the White Mountains dragon, you'll see that I control both of the neighboring regions already. So we can't attack obviously but he can be used, or, at least, those troops can be used in my turn to advance somewhere else.

That's it. That's the use of the dragons and The Twelve Domains map. I hope you enjoy it.

New Map - NUKES


Hey, guys. So I just wanted to go over this latest map that we're releasing here this evening. It's called “Nukes!” It's very innovative, it's a great two-player map, but you can certainly play on it with more players. It was designed and the graphics are all by WidowMakers. The gameplay is by myself and Incandenza. A few other people are involved as well so, it's a bit of a team effort. But it's a really great map and you definitely want to read this “Brief” tab right here because they'll tell you how it works. But I'm just going to go over an overview of how it works.

Basically, there are two countries. We have the United States and the USSR. Here I am, I'm green and you can see that I'm mostly in the United States but there are some of me in the USSR and Shepherd looks like he's mostly, basically the reverse. What I'm going to want to do here is try to get him out of the United States and he's going to try and get me out of Russia. But once that happens, there's only one way to attack across countries and that is to build up your nuclear missile, get it to launch and then launch it. Then when you do, it says right here, you're going to get 50 armies to rain down fire and brimstone from the heavens upon your opponent. But building your arsenal, building the warhead and launching it is not that simple. There are few things involved.

If you read the brief, it says right here in order to launch your nuke, you need the President or the Premier, the target acquisition and the entire missile. So the President of the United States is here in Washington and the Premier for the Russia is here in Moscow. So you're going to need to hold this region as well as target acquisition which is on the other side of the country here and then you're going to need to hold the entire nuke and then get to the launch button in order for that to happen.

So there're lots of neutrals here. I'm just going to change the neutral to neutral. There are lots of neutrals to go through and you're just going to start with a few, with a handful. I'm going to deploy three troops. The first thing I want to do for sure is to get Shepherd out of the United States. That way I can build my forces without him being much of a nuisance.

I'm going to take my troops here and deploy them in New York and I just want to see if I can take out DC here. Another cool thing is there's lots of really cool animation that we've done over all these various things. Just a little something extra for you. So I'm going to go from New York to DC, I'm going to Blitz and I've done it.

Great. I'm starting to take Shepherd out of here but these are non-standard bonuses, and the way you get bonuses is if I hold the President, that's two troops; if I hold Nuclear Fuel Enrichment, that's one troop; Research Center is one troop. Here is a research center, here is one, here is nuclear enrichment. So you'd want to hold those and you'll get one extra troop for each one you hold per round.

Also, the President and Premier are quite important. So you're going to want to keep those fortified. Now once he's out of United States, then I'm just going to start to build up here. This right here, they're bunkers. They're pretty important. You get two there but you don't get them to deploy. They're automatically deployed there. If you hold this in time, they'll just build up and then you can move those people around as well.

Now once you're each on each other's sides, then you're going to want to build up your missile and you want to do that from the silos right here. This silo right here connects to my missile which is right here. I'll start taking these away, and building it up, and get to the top, and then I'll get to that when I'm ready to fire. But I can only fire when I have the President, the Acquisition and the full missile.

Now if I'm starting to get up to that, then Shepherd can do a few things. Like there are these spies right here, KGB over here and the GRU. These spies are able to attack several things. Let's check the brief, spy agencies can bombard scientist, Acquisition, and the President. If it looks like I'm going to rain down nukes on him, what he can do is use his spy to disable my President. He can't take it over but he can bombard it, which reverts it to neutral. Then, I'm no longer able to launch my nukes or he can do the same for the target acquisition as well.

That's just an easy way to do a last ditch defense as well as reduce the effectiveness of having the President and acquisition which are valuable things to have. You're going to want to keep some troops on your spies and you can also bombard the scientists as well to try and reduce the number of troops he gets each turn. There's a lot of strategies involved, there's a lot of things in play that you're going to want to keep your eye on and it's a great way – it's quite easy for one person to get ahead and then you can start bombarding them, then they sort of slow down.

This is why it's a great two-player map. It certainly works well for more players but you just got to figure out who's going to be the dominant here and who's going to be the dominant here. It usually always gets down to two players. So it is a fun and challenging strategic map. I hope you guys enjoy and I hope you get to rain down some serious nukage on people. Thanks.

Tips - NUKES


So this is our newest map, “Nukes!” I love it, a lot of people love it, but as our newest and by far most complicated map, we've been getting a lot of questions about it. One that has popped up is, “How do I attack the missile?” Well, I'm going to show you. I'm down here in the south, I am the black armies, Cardinals is the cyan armies in the north. As you can see he has already taken his first missile. Now, you can only attack your own missile, red to red, blue to blue, through a silo, which they look like silos, they also look like tires with those little [ben-hur] [ph] spikes coming out of them.

If you want to do it all on one turn, which we're going to try to do here, dice permitting, is essentially you go all the way up the ladder. From your silo, you're the lowest level, the rocket will light up and essentially you just work your way up the ladder. It's not a ladder. That's really it. There's not a lot more complicated to it. I totally understand that some people look at this map and it seems really insane and confusing but it's all fairly rational. Read the brief, you're good to go, ask any staff a question and they'll be happy to answer.

There it is manage to get the whole boat. That is taking your missile. This is the highest you can attack. But this alone will not allow you to fire off your nuclear weapon and we'll cover that in a subsequent video. Thanks for watching and again, if you have any particular questions, you can go ahead and feel free to send me a message, Incandenza – I don't know if I said that at the beginning – and thanks for watching. Greetings and welcome to another handy little video showing you how to play some of the most interesting concepts in Nukes! This is Incandenza and today I'm going to nuke someone. This is sort of the preferred end game. It doesn't always end up like this, but it's pretty cool when it does.

As you see in the tab, I am actually in the US. You need to have the President, the Target and the entire missile. Obviously, if you're in the Soviet Union, you need the Premier down here, the Soviet Target and the Soviet missile. What happens is when you hit “Begin Turn” – but you'll see on my nuclear launch turret went from one neutral to 125. That number is determined by how many of the research facilities and scientist – or whatever exactly we're calling them – you have, but usually it's almost invariably going to be plenty to bomb your opponent back to the stone age. From there it's just a matter of blitzing them. You can hit every single one of the opposing turrets including their missile, otherwise, they're being preposterous stalemates. It's really this simple.

You probably don't even need to watch the rest of this but maybe I'll make a profane joke at the end just to lighten up the tedium. But it's really fun, especially for those of us that grew up during the end of the Cold War. Call me crazy but I have always found the prospect of nuking my opponent to be kind of fun. That's it. You just wipe them out and that's the ball game. Thanks for watching and we'll probably do at least one more of these for Nukes! and maybe for some in maps coming up in the future. So, there you go and happy nuking.

Move Strategy

Middle East - KFD


Hey, guys. KFD here doing this Turn Dissection and here is a game on the Middle East Asia map. Let's check the “Brief” before we start. Players are five players and singles Escalite and no reinforcement whatsoever.

Okay, let's check it. It's my turn right now. I'll just “Begin Turn.” Let's see. I could call up my reserves and get six troops. I'm the fourth person to be able to call in reserves if I actually do call reserve for the next turn. But then if I do call reserve now, I only get six. If I call up reserves after Commander77, Wiseviking and [inaudible], actually called their reserves, I would get seven. If Commander77 call up his reserves, that is six troops, seven troops, eight troops and I'll get nine. That will be three troops ahead.

That wouldn't be a very big thing and furthermore, I have a low troop count, so there might be a chance that they want to take me out. So, I better call out my reserves to save myself and I could also take out Afghanistan which [inaudible] holds two regions of 1/3. That will be a good idea. I'll be out and get mine, reserve as troops there.

Call it up and I get my troops. We hit “Deploy.” Don't hit the deploy only in one place. Always think about if you have another presence on the other side of the map so that you wouldn't get taken in that region. This should do it. Then because there're no reinforcements, I'm going to take all of them and keep it there. This should do it, which I don't want to increase [number of troops] [ph]. I'm going to take this place just to increase my region count and lower Wiseviking's region count to 11 – which drops one of this Troop Due. His was six before, now he's five. That might lower his advantage a little bit and that looks like [inaudible].

Hope you learned something from this and we'll see you next time.

Middle East - Badorties


Okay, so here is a situation that can come up regularly. This game is down to three players now which I hate, which has its own strategy to deal with. But in here, it is my turn and then Tombombadil. I see that Tombombadil has five reserves, so he's going to drop nine plus 13 on his next turn which could destabilize. And in a three-player game, I don't want to be that player who looks like a threat and who looks like he has all the bonuses.

So what I'm going to do here is try and place my troops to try and deflect Tombombadil's possible attack. I don't want to take any bonuses and one thing, Tombombadil is strong in Turkey here. This is like my only real bonus and I don't want Tombombadil to bust in there and break there, which he can and if I put my troops here in Georgia, that would be an immediate threat on his border here on the Black Sea and he would probably take action against that.

What I'm going to do is put my troops in the south – whatever this is – and then I have eight troops there. Now, these eight troops are not a threat to Tombombadil unless he breaks into Georgia and then he's got to contend with that. Hopefully, that's something that he realizes and goes somewhere else. For this turn, what I'm going to do is I'm just going to take one here, leave that there and then I'm going to put this in Oman. One troop in Oman just to make this a little bit harder so he doesn't try and sweep in there. My hope is that Tombombadil takes his troops and does some damage to the third player in this game.

So, that's one tactic, I hope you enjoy.

Classis Evolved - Badorties


Hey, guys. Badorties here with another Move Dissection. For this move, this is actually the very start of the game, round one and I have not taken a turn yet, but I just want to show you guys some useful tips when you're starting a battle and you're figuring out where you want to get busy and stuff.

I am black here and it's clear to me that I am heavily concentrated in North America and that should be my play. My first move should be taking out Ryanbrown here, or Jbeans, or Nunavut here and usually when I see someone with two territories in a continent, or with one more than another player, then that would be my first target because Jbeans by its side, that he wants to be in North America too. So, he would make that play.

However, one thing I also do is I check the ranks of people. This is one of the noob games for new players. I see a bunch of players here – two of them are strategists and some of them have ranked up. Jbeans is the only who still hasn't ranked up very much. If someone is going to go awol, it's likely going to be Jbeans rather this strategist who have paid and these guys who have ranked up somewhat. I'm going to take the risk and say that Jbeans is the one that is going to go awol here if that happens. So, my next play is to take out one of these guys.

So who do I choose between AldotheApache, Ryanbrown, and Majorah here? Well, neither of them are likely going to take North America. However, I can see that Majorah here is likely going to take Africa on his next turn. Once he has Africa, he's going to want to go somewhere else. I want to make sure that that somewhere else is not North America. My play is to actually take them out in Mexico here. I'll start that up. Deploy my three troops and see what happens. Pretty sweet.

The other reason why I did that is because the Sunbelt here has neutrals, so that allows me to move all of my guys in there with the wind, move all my guys in the Mexico rather than if I attack from here. I wouldn't want to leave a one on Klondike because that's vulnerable, but because I'm using this neutral as a buffer, I can move them all in there and then I have four for the next round. That's the move dissection. I hope it was interesting. Thanks.

Classic Massive - Badorties


Hey guys, Badorties here with another Move Dissection. This is the game on the Classic Massive map and we're about 13 rounds in and it's clear that we have several sort of superpowers going on with a lot of troops. People have established where they are, the lines are well-established and it's also Flat Rate, which means it's not escalating so the reserves are negligible – which means this game can easily devolve into kind of a stalemate at this point and I hate stalemates.

What I wanted to do in order to avoid a stalemate is team up with another player to try and take over the map. I suggested this to Jaejae123 that we would – not sort of an official truce – that we take over some other players. It's all done through diplomacy. It's above board but we sort of have an unspoken agreement at that. The problem is now, there're lots of truces going on here as you can see in the Diplomacy tab. Lots of outstanding truces. I have Europe, East Asia and I have a lot of borders. So I have some truces with Jaejae123 here in Jinjiang, and Kazakhstan, and also in Indian Bangladesh.

The problem here is that I want to expand into Africa. The reason why there's only one troop here is because they have a truce here that ends in four rounds. This allows Kows to put his front line up on my front line, which is a pain because I don't want to go into his front line with all my forces. What I want to do is to do a diplomacy with Kows across the Levant and Egypt border, and Yemen and Somalia for a certain number of rounds that ends right around when these round ends. That would be Egypt and Levant. So that would be Yemen and Somalia at this border.

Let's see. Their diplomacy between Kows and Jaejae123 ends in about four rounds. I'm going to do mine for three rounds and suggest that there. On my move, what I did have I just dumped all my troops right here in Levant and reinforced all them to Yemen. So I have a huge stacks here which is going to prompt Kows to accept this diplomacy. Otherwise, he may think I'm going to attack. Let's do another one with Kows with Levant to Egypt and three rounds.

I predict what's going to happen here is at the end of these three rounds, Kows is going to want to bring some of his troops back here to shore up these borders. In order to do that, he has to take some of those troops away from his front lines. What will happen is in the next three rounds, I will then remove my troops from here or, at least, some of them so it's not so much of a threat and I can put them over here in Spain, or in Greenland where my new front line will be. However, when his diplomacy with Jaejae123 expires, mine will expire the round before and he'll be stretched incredibly thin, in which case I can then come in and do some serious damage.

That is a plan this game is heavy, heavily based on sort of diplomacy. Thanks.

Fun Videos

First win on Major Command Risk


All right, Badorties here. About to make Major Command history. The first official win if I could pull this off. Let's see here – Begin turn, 26 troops, 2 deploys, let's start them here against Shepherd who's going to be our first official loser. All right, this is Blitz straight on through.

This should put me on the top of the scoreboard since no one else has a win and hopefully, this isn't the only time that I make it to the top of the scoreboard. Pretty much had this play won by around two. Not knocking Shepherd, but it's some pretty sweet moves. All right, here we go. Take it down and see what happens.

“Victory. Hail Badorties! You have defeated Shepherd and gained 30 points. The road to victory took you 14 turns in 23 hours and 52 minutes. A great win by a cadet. Perhaps the start of a long and glorious career? Game on young warrior.” Sweet.

Now let's see if it's true. Yes, I'm on the top of the scoreboard. Pretty sweet. History in the making.

Girl Talk - Farmers


Female 1: [inaudible]?
Female 2: What's up, Michelle?
Female 1: So, I was playing Majcom the other day and there were so many noob farmers everywhere. It's ridiculous. Dubs is asking them [inaudible] on class mass? Please?
Female 2: Didn't you see the update? Those farmers should seriously find another line of work.
Female 1: Say what?
Female 2: Yes. There are these theme games for new players at the top of the results. Also, noobs can't even join Assassin now. They have a much, much better chance of winning. It's so sweet.
Female 1: Awesome!
Female 2: Hell yeah. Dropping trip sixes on their farm asses. Can a sister get a witness?
Up for some real-time dubs?
Female 1: Oh, let's do it.

Fixed Force is Here


Male 1: Hold on. Not tonight, man.

Male 2: Wait, Fixed Force is here.

Major Command Risk Wants You


Hello, cadets. It's retired Colonel Hans Von Puppet here, Head of Personnel at Major Command. We are growing quickly here and needs some enthusiastic volunteers to join the team. So if you want to help at the best damn strategy gaming site on the web, then step on up and throw your helmet into the ring. Only the best and brightest, and possibly sexiest will be selected. There are lots of position so get to it. Good luck out there. Remember, never get into a land war with Asian women. Hazaa!

Kramer and Newman Playing Risk


Newman: Are you sure you know where the impound yard is?
Kramer: Oh, stop stalling. Come on.
Newman: I can't think, there's all this noise.
Kramer: Or is it because I've built a stronghold around Greenland? I've driven you out of Western Europe and I've left you teetering on the brink of complete annihilation.
Newman: I'm not beaten yet. I still have armies in the Ukraine.
Kramer: Ha ha, the Ukraine. Do you know what the Ukraine is? It's a sitting duck. A road apple, Newman. The Ukraine is weak. It's feeble. I think it's time to put the hurt on the Ukraine.
Ukrainian: I come from Ukraine. You do not say Ukraine weak.
Kramer: Yeah, well we're playing a here, pal.
Ukrainian: Ukraine is game to you?! Howbout I take your little board and smash it!!