How to Play

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A turn on Majorcommand consists of three phases: deployment, assault, and reinforcement. Your turn begins as soon as the player before you has finished their turn (or as soon as the game fills, if you're the first to play). Unless you've chosen to play a speed game, you have 24 hours to take your turn.

How to take a turn (video) <html><object classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' codebase=',0,115,0' width='560' height='345'><param name='movie' value='' /><param name='flashvars' value='i=86898' /><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true' /><embed src='' flashvars='i=86898' allowFullScreen='true' width='560' height='345' pluginspage=''></embed></object></html>

Phase 1 - Deployment

At the beginning of your turn, you are assigned a number of troops which you can deploy on any region you control. The number of troops you can deploy depends on three things: Region bonus, Command bonus, and Reserve call-up.

  • Region bonus: equals the number of regions you control, divided by 3, rounded down, with a minimum of three
  • Command bonus: only if you control one or more Commands
  • Reserve call-up: if you have a complete set of Reserves you will be prompted if you would like to call them up. Note that if you have 5 Reserves, you are required to call up a set

Note: Some maps have autodeploy and/or decay regions. If that is the case, then troops are added to or subtracted from your regions when your turn begins.

To deploy troops, simply click on the region that you wish to deploy to, and the Deploy Window will pop-up. For more information on the Deploy Window (and all windows, really), please consult Game Interface.

Note: once deployed, troops cannot be taken back, so make your deployment with care!

Phase 2 - Assault

Once you have deployed all your available troops, then you move into the Assault phase. To begin an assault, click a region that you control and that you wish to attack from. The clicked region will be highlighted, as will all regions that it can assault.

To assault, click on one of the neighboring regions, and the Assault Window will pop-up.

You may assault as often as you wish, until you no longer have any troops with which to assault. However, strategic concerns should dictate how often you assault.

When you are finished with the assault phase, click the Action button, which will read "End Assaults".

Phase 3 - Reinforcement

The Reinforcement phase allows you to move troops from one region to another. The number and range of Reinforcements is dependent on game settings, but all reinforcements work the same way.

To reinforce, first click on the region that you are reinforcing from. That region will be highlighted, as will all the regions that it can reinforce.

Next, click the region that you wish to reinforce to, and the Reinforce Window will pop-up.

Once you have completed your allotted reinforcements, the turn will end automatically. If you do not wish to make your allotted reinforcements, or if the game settings allow for unlimited reinforcement, then click the Action button, which will read "End Turn".

If you are playing a game with reserves, you will automatically be awarded a reserve at the end of any turn in which you've taken at least one enemy region.