South America

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South America



Regions:48 Commands 9 Special Features: River Regions independent of Commands

Strategy and Tips

This was designed to be a fairly straightforward map, with gameplay simple enough for casual players and beginners. There are a number of good areas on the map in which one could start - five Commands made up of four or fewer regions, and two more that have only five regions - so a player is unlikely to feel prematurely defeated after a round or two. But it was our hope that the introduction of river systems as live regions would throw in some twists and reward those who pay closer attention.

Two South American river systems are depicted on the map: the Paraná system in the southeast, and the Amazon cutting across Brazil. Unlike most maps in which rivers serve as impassable obstacles, these rivers are regions in an of themselves. The rivers can attack - and by attacked by - all land regions through which the rivers. Note that the Paraná is actually split into two regions, because the unnavigable Iguazu Falls splits the river into Lower and Upper stretches.

As the rivers don't help you complete any bonuses, casual players may be inclined to overlook the rivers and focus on the bonuses. But in some cases the rivers are key to taking and holding bonuses - try holding Southern Brazil without Upper Paraná and you won't hold it for long!


This map was created by blah blah