Far East Asia

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Far East Asia



Regions:42 Commands 8 Special Features: Inner Commands, Dead Space

Strategy and Tips

With the Far East Asia map we introduce a feature that may trip some players up: some of the bonus commands are nestled within larger commands. If you take a look at the Indian Subcontinent, you'll see that there are two levels of bonuses there. The +3 "India" bonus is awarded once you hold the five regions that make up the country of India - this is the 'nestled' command. If are also able to control the three regions of the same color with + symbols (Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh) the bonus increases to +4.

The same holds true for the islands; hold political Indonesia for a +2 bonus, but add East Malaysia and the Philippines to bump the bonus up to +4.

The purpose of creating the nestled commands was to create a medium-sized map with both small commands that were attainable early in the game, and large commands that would allow a player to do some damage. Players who go after Mongolia - the smallest and, in most games, the easiest bonus to attain - might be kicking themselves down the line when they are facing opponents who gradually picked up a +4.

Also watch out for Taiwan, which is not a part of any command.


This map was created by Shepherd; the color scheme was created by Badorties. More to follow.