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Sequential is the default play order for MajorCommand games. Once a game is initialized, the players are randomly sorted into an order that will remain the same for the rest of the game. One player is randomly selected to play first, and players take their turns in the predefined order. In team games, teams trade off taking turns.


Campaign mode brings strategic world domination to life like never before. Now, instead of taking sequential turns, you can more accurately plan for and experience the strategic ebb-and-flow of front lines. In Campaign, players issue orders to their troops rather than control them directly, so deployments, assaults, and reinforcements are mapped out before each round. Once all players have issued their orders, the round begins, during which orders are executed simultaneously.

Campaign is intended for veteran players only. Players that are new to strategic world domination may wish to master Sequential first before trying their hand at Campaign.

Phase One: Deployment

A Campaign turn begins the same way as a Sequential turn. You receive a certain number of troops based on your control of regions and commands. Those troops must be deployed to one or more of your regions.

Phase Two: Reinforcement

Unlike in Sequential mode, in Campaign mode the reinforcement phase comes before the assault phase. You may make as many reinforcements as the game options allow. Note that reinforced armies cannot be used for assault, as they are purely defensive armies until the following turn.

Phase Three: Assault

In Campaign assaults are planned rather than undertaken directly, and the Assault phase represents the greatest difference between Campaign and Sequential.

Assault plans are initiated in much the same way that they are in Sequential, but there the similarity ends. To plan an assault, click on the assaulting region, then click on the target region. You will be asked how many troops you wish to commit to the assault. You may also set a minimum troop number, beyond which the assault will be ceased (if you do not set a minimum level, the default is 3 troops). ---- NOTE: Aren’t we planning something like this with Blitz? ---- Unlike Sequential, you will also be asked how many troops you wish to advance to the conquered region in the event of a successful assault. You may specify a number, or click “All” (in which case all assaulting troops are moved to the conquered region) or “None” (in which case the only troop in the conquered region will be the occupying single troop).

Campaign allows for Conditional Assaults, assaults that are only made possible by one or more previous successful assaults. This means that you may plan assaults from regions that you’ve already planned to conquer.

For instance, you may issue orders for Sunbelt to assault Pacifica. If your assault succeeds, and if you advance troops into Pacifica, you may then issue orders for Pacifica to assault Klondike. You will only be able to assault with as many troops as you advanced into Pacifica, and losses incurred in taking Pacifica may have reduced your assaulting strength even further, so plan Conditional Assaults with care.

The Round

Once all players have completed their turns, the round begins. Deployment and Reinforcement orders are the first to be executed.

At the beginning of the assault phase, everyone is randomly sorted to determine the play sequence. Each player’s assaults are executed in the order in which the player issued them. After each player’s first assault has been executed, their second assault is executed, with the play sequence reversed.


  • Player 1 first assault
  • Player 2 first assault
  • Player 3 first assault
  • Player 3 second assault
  • Player 2 second assault
  • Player 1 second assault
  • Player 1 third assault
  • Player 2 third assault
  • And so on…

Players can be skipped in the play sequence if:

  • They did not issue any assault orders at all
  • All of their assault orders have been executed
  • The assault order has been rendered invalid

An assault plan can be rendered invalid by the actions of the other players. For instance, if an opponent conquers a region from which you had planned an assault, then when it comes time for that order to be executed, you will instead be skipped in the play order. Similarly, if through assaults or defense you no longer have troops which can execute the assault, you will be skipped.

Once all player’s assaults have been executed, the round ends, and reserves are awarded (if applicable).